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Class of 2015
Stine Ailling Jacobsen (Denmark), Phoebe Eustance (UK), Eldar Ganz (Israel), Hania Halabi (Palestine), Thomas Jenkins (UK), Ion Maleas (Greece), Pietro Pezzani (Italy), Grace Phillipps (USA), Laurie Robbins (UK), Sam Stork (UK), Alexandra Symons Sutcliffe (UK)

Through the Scopic Lens: Geology, Agency & Secrecy of Fallahin Architecture
Hania Halabi

To become quiet is often regarded in a similar way to becoming passive, signifying that one has weakened their capacity to act in a situation. If to speak is to validate a person's existence, does being quiet mean that the person is no longer participating or has given up their right to act? My research aims to construct or activate a field of thought around the condition of quiet and the ways in which we register presence. Here, quiet is considered firstly as a political form that precedes speech, and secondly through deconstructing the relationship between quiet and power.

Lines of Sight: A Meteorological History
Grace Phillips

My research considers landscapes and architectures of supply and demand, the politics of production and the mytho-poetic narratives running through the network of global logistics. Taking its starting point from a specific industry lore, which attributes fast fashion chain ZARA’s inimitable success to alleged factories on water, my research explores the ‘seamless’ spaces of the supply chain in an effort to reclaim these largely obscured movements of circulation from the rhetoric of efficiency and progress. This work seeks to contribute instead to a postcolonial discourse through the articulation of vast networks as subjective, queer and rife with friction.