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    War Inna Babylon




Palestine Support

We, in the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths University of London, stand with Palestine. We stand in solidarity with our Palestinian students who come to work with us each year despite the considerable difficulties they face in simply trying to continue their education. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people who are rising up against seventy-three years of Israeli settler colonial violence in all its supposedly legal and illegal forms. These are many and include dispossession, eviction, racism, police and settler brutality, arbitrary arrest, house demolition, bombardment, massacre. We fully support the right of Palestinians to actively resist such ongoing violence, state aggression and apartheid, and its destruction of indigenous Palestinian lands and livelihoods by the means they deem necessary.

We, like our colleagues and comrades elsewhere, reject the term conflict and opt instead for what these forms of aggression under the guise of self-defence mean. According to international law these are ethnic cleansing and genocide, and amount to war crimes.

We are committed to decolonial, anti-capitalist work. This commitment lies at the core of our post-graduate programme and guides our pedagogy. As such, we make vocal our stance with BDS and other forms of actionable and conscionable solidarity with Palestine. We urge academic programmes and departments as well as cultural organisations, museums, activist collectives, and others to join us in issuing statements to take a stand against ongoing and historical Israeli state violence and act in accord with the Palestinian struggle for life in dignity and for freedom.

--Centre for Research Architecture

Campaigns and statements

Goldsmiths Student Union statement: https://goldsmithsucu.org/2021/05/18/gucu-goldsmiths-students-union-stand-in-full-solidarity-with-the-people-of-palestine/

Palestine Campaign:

University Complicity Database: https://www.palestinecampaign.org/university-complicity-database/

Utrecht University Gender Studies statement: https://genderstudies.nl/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2021/05/GGeP-NOG-statement-Palestine-Solidarity-2021.pdf

Ghent University statement: https://www.ugent.be/ps/conflict-ontwikkeling/en/news-events/news/statement-in-solidarity-with-the-palestinian-people

A call for editorial standards on Palestine/Israel

A Letter Against Apartheid: