Key Work: Crofton Black on "Unredacting the Black Sites"
23 February 2021
Since 2010 Crofton Black has worked alongside organisations including Reprieve, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism and The Rendition Project to map out the logistics underpinning the CIA's network of secret prisons, operated from 2002 to 2006 to hold and interrogate suspected terrorists. In 2016, with the artist Edmund Clark, he published Negative Publicity: Artefacts of Extraordinary Rendition, an exploration of his investigation through documents and photographs. His 2019 publication with Sam Raphael and Ruth Blakeley, CIA Torture Unredacted, offered a further layer of analysis through the lens of the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on detention by the CIA. In this talk he will offer an insight into the methods of interpretation that he and his colleagues used in analysing this heavily censored body of material to build up a comprehensive picture of the CIA's detention network, spatially and chronologically, and those held in it.