Digital Autonomia
Julia Nueno Guitart
My research explores agency and collectivity under data-based decision-making, focusing on digital and platform labour. I investigate the ways in which management algorithms, underpinned by data extraction, mathematical modelling, and surveillance technologies, become mediums for exploitation, and disposession. My approach unfolds from two distinct instances: firstly, demystifying the property regimes and aesthetic processes that delimit and abstract knowledge, and skills; secondly, investigating workers’ experiences of solidarity, uncomputable knowledge and high-tech luddism that combine to resist precarisation of labour and new forms of subordination. In turn, my proposal is both critical and an invitation to subversion: in a data-dense environment, can labourers optimise algorithms to switch their allegiance? Can instances of resistance be woven into forms of digital organising?
FA Open Verification Fellowship
Julia Nueno Guitart’s website
FA Open Verification Fellowship
Julia Nueno Guitart’s website