Logistical Nightmares: Stories from the Global Supply Chains

CRA at Sonic Acts, Amsterdam 2018
Lorenzo Pezzani - Introduction to Logistical Nightmares
Charmain Chua - ‘Indurable’ Monstrosities: Megaships, Megaports, and Transpacific Infrastructures of Violence
Download Logistical Nightmares reader here.
A year-long programme of events, workshops,
pedagogical experiments, and field investigations that explored the increasing
ubiquity and prominence of logistics as a mode for organising social life and
politics. From invited speakers such as Christina Sharpe and Charmaine Chua to
fieldwork in the Port of Rotterdam and a local visit to the deepwater container
facility at Felixstowe in the UK, students researched a range of issues
including the global trade in sand, the colonial histories of the Dutch East
India Company, climate change and sea-level rise, automation and optimisation
of labour all of which combined in the
production of an essay film, reader, and public presentation at Sonic Acts,
Amsterdam. The MA Live Project “Unless the Water is Safer than the Land” investigating
push-backs and violations of migrant vessels off the coast of Australia was
also integrated into the overall theme.