Talk: Naeem Mohaimen, Moad Mushbahi + Avi Varma on “Fleeting Traces of Evidence”
13 February 2020
Courtesy of Tareque Masud Memorial Trust
The Fleeting Traces of ‘Evidence’ seminar with artist Naeem Mohaiemen & architect/researcher Moad Musbahi departs from Mohaiemen's essay "Simulation at Wars’ End" on the nature of “evidence” in film and was accompanied by clips from the film Muktir Gaan. Naeem Mohaiemen (b. London) combines essay, film, and installation to research left utopias, failed decolonizations, and shifting borders. He was a 2018 Turner Prize nominee. The seminar was held in conjunction with a symposium organised by Musbahi with Ana Maria Nicolaescu as well as an exhibition at the Architectural Association (In Pursuit of Images) for the 20/20 programme.
Presentation by Avi Varma
Response by Tomas Percival
Presentation by Avi Varma
Response by Tomas Percival